Yahoo Buzz WordPress Plugin: Buzz on!

In case you haven’t noticed, Yahoo! Buzz is now open to public. If you own a blog or planning to start one, you NEED to jump on the bandwagon. Thankfully, there were a few smart folks who were anticipating the release and had plug-ins lined up for yesterday: WPBuzz. Is that smart or what? Having a plug-in handy to push it on the very same Yahoo! Buzz. Has gotten quite number of buzzes as well. In any case, you can download the file from the link above. It’s very straight forward. Put the Yahoo! Buzz WordPress plugin in your plugins folder and activate it. Yahoo! Buzz will automatically be added to your blog posts. Of course, you will need to have Buzz worthy content handy as well, but that’s really outside of what the plug-in can do for your blog. Enjoy!

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