6 WordPress Plugins To Keep Up with Plugin Vulnerabilities

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Running plugins with vulnerabilities is one way to get your site hacked. Not everyone spends time to keep up with WordPress security news on a daily basis though. These 6 plugins help you identify and remove plugins with vulnerabilities fast:


Look-See Security Scanner: this plugin verifies the integrity of core WordPress plugins. Checks uploaded themes and plugins against WPScan vulnerabilities.


Plugin Vulnerabilities: displays an alert when an installed plugin has a vulnerability you need to address.


No Longer in Directory: tells you which plugins are no longer in the WordPress.org Plugin Directory.


Vulnerability Alerts: this script scans your system against WPScan database and lists issues with your plugins and themes.

Vulnerable Plugin Checker: another plugin that uses WPScan’s API to detect vulnerabilities. It sends email alerts, so you can address security issues fast.

Plugin Security Scanner: alerts you if you have plugins with any security vulnerabilities. It runs once a day and e-mails you if there are any issues.

Have you found better security plugins for WordPress? Please share them here.

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