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Themes for Businesses

5 WordPress Themes For Collaboration in Business

All organizations need to have means of collaboration available to their employees to keep them involved and on the right track at all times. WordPress can be used to setup these types of websites easily. Here are 5 ways businesses can use WordPress to encourage internal collaborations:

Start a wiki: Wikibase is an awesome WordPress theme that turns your WordPress site into a wiki. It has multiple styles and features to make it easier for your employees to contribute.

Create a forum for employees: managing an internal forum is another way to keep your employees involved in your organization. These types of websites can be used to gather ideas and feedback from everyone involved in your business. gForums is the theme that turns WordPress sites into forums.

Stay in touch with partners and clients: EmployeePress turns your WordPress site into a customer relationship management system. Great way to stay in touch with employees and clients.

Create an internal Q&A platform: WP-Answers is a powerful plugin that turns your WordPress site into a Q&A community. It comes integrated with Twitter and Facebook if you decide to use them.

Build an information management system: if you own a fast growing small business, you want to make sure you have a system in place to appropriately manage your business information over the long run. KnowPress is just the theme for that.

Any suggestions?

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