We have all heard of popular theme sellers such as StudioPress, Press75, and WooThemes. There is more to WordPress themes than just those 3 theme sellers. None of these theme sellers is going to have the “perfect” theme for you. But you have a better chance to choose the best theme for your website by testing as many themes as possible. If you have tried those popular theme shops and are looking for more options, you shouldn’t miss these WP theme sites:
Gorilla Themes: the perfect place to buy some killer real estate themes for WordPress. These guys have made a habit of releasing super high quality themes for agents and brokers. They do have some other themes too.
Theme Shift: these guys have some quality themes for small businesses and start-ups. They also have real estate and portfolio themes. Their themes are in general dynamic and very professional looking.
WP Now: it has some of the most colorful themes around for blogs, photo websites, and gaming portals. Its themes are pretty affordable.
Primo Themes: Primo Themes has free and paid plugins and themes that you should take a look at. I have recommended some of their previous works in the past. These guys do have some niche themes.
Aloha Themes: this is another place you should check out if you are looking for niche themes for WordPress. They have themes for musicians, life coaches, and more.
What other WordPress theme sellers are you a fan of?