The WordPress revisions system is wonderful for tracking and recovering post changes. You wouldn’t want revisions to fill your database unnecessarily though. Here are 6 WordPress plugins you can use to get a better handle on post revisions:
Simple Revisions Delete: this plugin cleans your database by removing unnecessary post revisions. You can also easily purge revisions of each post.
Revision Control: lets you set global settings for your revisions and enable a limit for the number of revisions saved. You can also remove individual entries.
Revision Strike: removes old revisions from your database based on your defined minimum post age and limit for revisions.
Disable Post Revision: don’t want to deal with post revisions at all? This plugin lets you disable them.
Optimize Database after Deleting Revisions: as the name suggests, this plugin deletes revisions from your database. It also handles unused tags, spam comments, trashed posts, and anything else that shouldn’t be in your database.
WP Revisions Limit: lets you limit the number of revisions stored in your database.
What are your experiences with these plugins? Please share them here.