20 Top NextGEN Gallery Plugins

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The NextGEN gallery plugin should not need any introduction. It is one of the most popular gallery plugins for WordPress with a ton of options for you to play with. You could always get more out of this plugin by using some of the extensions available for it. With these NextGEN Gallery plugins and extensions, you can make your sites and photos more dynamic:

NextGEN Gallery: many of the below plugins require you to have this one installed. If you deal with photos a lot on your website, you are going to love using the NextGEN Gallery plugin. It makes managing galleries, thumbnails, and individual images easy.

Pinterest Lightbox: makes the NextGEN plugin Pinterest friendly. Adds a Pin It button to each image.

WP Smush.it: a helpful service that optimizes your photos for the web. This particular plugin uses the Smush.it API to optimize your NextGEN galleries.

NextGEN Facebook: adds Open Graph HTML meta tags for Facebook and other social networks to your pages. It handles images in your NextGEN Gallery or Media Library too.

Photoswipe: makes your galleries more mobile-friendly. The default desktop effects remain.

NextGEN Gallery Optimizer: a handy plugin that improves your site’s speed by keeping NextGEN’s scripts from loading on pages without a gallery.

NextGEN Public Uploader: an extension for NextGEN Gallery that lets your users upload photos from the front-end to a specific gallery.

NextGEN Custom Fields: lets you add custom fields to galleries and images. Just make sure you choose the right version.

NextGEN Scroll Gallery: this cool plugin lets you use Mootools ScrollGallery from BMo-design on your galleries.

BP + NEXTGEN: an interesting tool that integrates NextGEN with BuddyPress profiles. It adds a “My Gallery” link to each user’s profile.

NextGEN Gallery Date: lets you sort galleries by date. It works with NextGEN 1.8.3 and above.

NextGEN Image Cropper: extends your galleries to allow cropping of images. It uses the jQuery jCrop plugin for that.

NextGEN Gallery Authors: another simple script that lets you filter galleries by author.

Gallery Voting: gives your visitors the ability to vote on NextGEN galleries or images.

Download Gallery: this plugin extends NextGEN to allow users to download multiple images.

NextGEN Gallery ColorBoxer: this is a handy script that adds the colorBox lightbox effect and loads scripts/styles when you have a gallery shortcode available.

Thumbnail Gallery: a responsive, customizable gallery template for the NextGEN Gallery plugin. It is touchscreen friendly too.

Buy Now Buttons for NextGEN: makes your website WP e-Commerce friendly by adding Buy Now buttons to your gallery images.

JJ NextGen JQuery Slider: lets you pick a gallery from NextGEN and turn it into a Nivo slider.

JJ NextGen Unload: prevents NextGEN scripts from loading in the header of your website.

Do you have any gallery plugin suggestions? Please add them here.

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