WooCommerce Deposits Plugin: Handle Partial Payments

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Many WordPress users are relying on WooCommerce to sell digital and physical products online. The plugin is already very powerful, but you can rely on various extensions to add even more features to your site. In some cases, it might make sense for your store to accept partial payments for certain products. WooCommerce Deposits is designed to handle deposits and partial payments.

WooCommerce Deposits lets your customers pay a fixed price or % up-front. You can also force deposits on the products you have to offer. You get to show specific payment gateways and display custom messages when the deposit option is chosen. You can customize messages, button text, and more. The plugin is not only easy to set up but can be disabled with a single click.

WooCommerce Deposits integrates with your e-commerce store to help you handle partial payments. It is compatible with WooCommerce Bookings, so you can collect deposits on bookings. This premium plugin is translation ready.

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