Building a web hosting business from scratch is not without its challenges. You are going to need a well-optimized website to covert more leads. These 3 web hosting themes not only look decent but also offer support for WHMCS:
FlatHost: a hosting theme with a drag & drop page builder, domain search form, custom widgets, and WHMCS-Bridge plugin compatibility.
Megahost: this theme has 8 different skins, 3 different style layouts, 26 different background patterns, and more. The theme is responsive and Retina ready. It offers support for the WHMCS Bridge plugin.
FlatWeb: a multipurpose theme with one page and split layouts. It is responsive and supports video backgrounds. It is compatible with WHMCS. The theme also has a timeline-styled blog template.
The WHMCS Bridge plugin is quite versatile, so you can use it with other web hosting themes. The above themes simply help you get started fast.