Visualize Your WordPress Archives Using Snazzy Archives

Currently trending WordPress plugins

Your archives may not be something your visitors check often when you are just getting started. But as you continue publishing content to your site, your archives page is going to grow. Many top sites have customized their template to create more engaging archives pages. Plugins such as Snazzy Archives can help too. This interesting plugin visualizes your content to encourage your visitors to visit more of your previous works.


Snazzy Archives displays your posts in a more visual fashion.  To get started, you should create a new page for this plugin and add the appropriate shortcode to it. You can include posts and pages but have the option to exclude certain categories from showing. Snazzy Archives has 2 layout options and 2 effects. You can change date /  month settings from the back-end.


Snazzy Archives offers caching to speed up your page. It scans your posts for images and YouTube videos. You won’t have to do any coding to get this to work. This plugin could breathe new life into your website.

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