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5 Ways To Use WordPress To Manage Information

WordPress is one of the most flexible content management systems around. It makes managing all kinds of information much easier. You don’t have to spend a fortune to pick up themes that can help you get the job done in a more professional manner. Here are just 5 ways you can use WordPress to manage information:

Tip: 20 ways to drive more traffic to your site

Build a content aggregator: themes such as Accumulo and OneNews let you aggregate content from all kinds of sources (as long as we are talking RSS here). They can be used to start an AllTop clone or a similar type of website with WordPress.

Start a Wiki: knowledge management themes such as KnowPress let you start Wiki or content bank websites. These types of websites can be very popular depending on how hard you work on them.

Create an Answer website: question & answer themes allow you to manage the content generated by your visitors. They often come with a reputation system to set top contributors apart from others.

Start a social voting website: themes such as Nominate empower your visitors, allowing them to submit their favorite stories to your website and vote on others’ stories too.

Build an online directory: online directories may not be as relevant as they used to be a few years ago, but they can still provide value to your readers if you plan them properly. Themes such as DirectoryPress make creating these types of websites much easier.

You really can’t find too many things that WordPress can’t handle. When it comes to managing user generated content and your own information, you can’t go wrong with WordPress.

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