You all have probably heard of analytics packages such as Google Analytics by now. These are simply powerful tools that allow you to track visitors that come to your blog and help you find out how they get there and what they used to get to your site. But Google Analytics and Omniture are simply not for everyone. Unless you have your own dedicated analytics team or you understand how to read Google Analytics, you are going to have a hard time analyzing data.
That’s where Hittail comes in. With HitTail, you can pretty much outsource your analytics, sort of. What HitTail does is give you a live overview of the keyword that people are searching to get to your WordPress site.
Best of all, you also get keywords suggestions and that is extremely helpful if you are looking for longtail and specific keywords to target on your blog (see picture below).
The service is extremely useful if you are not into delving deep into your analytics data on a daily basis. Best of all for $99 a year, you can’t ask for more. You can find the pricing here. This is a must have if you can afford it.