How to Add Two-Step Authentication to WordPress: 4 Plugins

Tip: 20 ways to drive more traffic to your site

WordPress is a secure content management system with a great community behind it. Unfortunately, it is a big target for hackers considering that many bloggers and online publishers rely on it to run their website. Choosing a strong admin password could make hacking your site more difficult. Enabling two-factor authentication is also a great idea for webmasters. These 4 plugins add that capability to your site:

Google Authenticator: this script lets you add two-factor authentication to your site using the Google Authenticator app. You can enable it for admin and regular account.

Duo Security: adds two-factor authentication to your site. You can enable this for admins or regular users. Users have multiple ways to authenticate their accounts.

Authy: adds the Authy two-factor authentication to WordPress. You need a free API key to start.

IM Login Dongle: an interesting plugin that adds two-step verification to your account using your IM account. It is compatible with the Google Authenticator.

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