5 Twitter Digest Plugins for WordPress

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I don’t know about you but I share a lot of tweets with my friends on Twitter every week. Many of them are WordPress related, so I could technically share them here for everyone to see. If you plan to do something similar, you don’t have to do it manually. These 5 Twitter digest plugin enable you to create daily or weekly posts containing tweets:


HL Twitter: shows tweets from your accounts on your site. It can also auto-tweet your new posts. It lets you store your most recent tweets for future reference.


Twitter posts to Blog: creates posts on your blog from selected Twitter searches. You can change tag, category, image, and other settings for tweets.

twitter digesttwitter digest

Twitter Digest: publishes a daily or weekly post of tweets to your site. It is not perfect but a good starting place, especially for developers who know how to handle Twitter API.

wp robotwp robot

WP Robot: this plugin has been around for a while. It is designed for auto-blogging, which I am not a fan of. But you can use the Twitter module to add related Twitter content to your site.  There are of course many other extensions available for WP Robot, but auto-blogging is a very risky business in this day and age.

Keyring Social Importers: an interesting plugin that lets you import your content from top social sites such as Twitter, Flickr, Foursquare, and Instagram.

There are many other ways to find tweets to include on your site on a daily or weekly basis. Tools such as Hootsuite can certainly help. You do want to be very careful with this approach or you might turn your audience off.

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