I am (as most of you are) a big fan of everything WordPress. There are just so many things one would need to know and remember to develop themes and do all kinds of neat things with WordPress. That’s why I love WordPress cheat sheets. They can help you remember those important WordPress topics and can save you time too. These 10 awesome WordPress cheat sheets offer that and more:
WordPress 3.0 Cheat Sheet: a good looking cheat sheet that covers all those page and tag functions. Your office needs one of these.
WordPress – What You Need To Know In One Sheet: a pretty handy sheet that covers as much as one can do in one sheet. Paul Maloney has done a wonderful j0b with this.
WordPress Visual Cheat sheet: the mother of all cheat sheets for WordPress. You can use it to get a crash course in WordPress or remember some of the things you may have forgotten.
WordPress 3.0 cheetsheet: covers those short-codes for WordPress 3.0. Pretty nice to print out and take advantage of.
WordPress Help Sheet: large enough to be used as wall-paper for your office or room. It never hurts to have this handy just in case you forget one of those code snippets.
WordPress Cheat Sheet: covers title, author, thumbnail, date, login/logout, and comment tags. It’s print-friendly too. It’s pretty high quality stuff.
SEO Cheat sheet: not a WordPress cheat sheet per se, but one every WordPress blogger or portal developer needs to check out.
Template Designer Cheat Sheet: it is pretty handy if you are designing a portal or theme and want to have everything in order by the time you are done.
WordPress Theme Development Check List: another handy cheat sheet for theme developers. Covers things you need to pay attention to when developing your very own theme.
WordPress maintenance checklist: setting up your WordPress site is one part of the process. You will need to maintain it on a weekly or monthly basis. This cheat sheet can help.
Please feel free to add your favorite WordPress cheat sheets below.