Many webmasters assume that they have the best content in the world. But if you are not getting any feedback (or comments) from your visitors, you may be doing something wrong. Adding a thumbs up/down system to your WordPress site lets you figure out if your visitor are liking your posts and the types of topics you can cover to further get in their good graces. Here are 5 plugins that add thumbs up thumbs down functionality to WordPress:
ThumbsUp: lets your visitors rate posts or groups (videos, topics, images) on your site. You can create an unlimited number of voting groups. It comes with 3 different widgets.
GD Star Rating: adds an advanced rating system to your posts and comments. Provides support for cache plugins. It is available in multiple languages.
Likebot: a decentralized rating system for WordPress. It is easy to integrate into your site and does not require any registration or authentications.
Vote It Up: this plugin adds voting feature to your posts. Your visitors can vote or against your posts. You do have the option to enable guest-voting.
BuddyPress Rate Forum Posts: this is especially useful if you are using BuddyPress to manage your own social network. This lets your community members rate forum posts in BuddyPress.
If you intend to add vote up/down functionality to your WordPress site, you can’t go wrong with the above plugins.
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