Gyms and fitness centers need to have an online presence as well. You are going to have an easier time attracting new customers if you have a professional website covering the services you offer at the place of your business. These 4 WordPress themes for gyms save you time bringing your business online:
GymBase: one of the most attractive gym themes around. It has a minimalist and responsive design. You get 7 sidebar areas, 9 built-in widgets, 4 custom post types, and social icons.
Fitness Premium Theme: has everything you need to start promoting your fitness courses and instructors online. It is highly customizable too.
FitnessMag: a cool theme for fitness magazines and similar types of sites. You get unlimited colors and a responsive layout. It is social media and video friendly.
Salon: you can use this for spas, gyms, and any other type of health business. You get 3 portfolio templates and a number of widgets to choose from. Not as sleek as the other themes here but is still pretty decent.
Have you got any theme suggestions? Please add them below.