
7 Visitor IP Tracking WordPress Plugins

In order to grow your audience and keep your website secure, you will need to do your homework on your…

Visitor IP Stats Tracker for WordPress

Here is another WordPress plugin that helps you better understand your traffic. Visitor IP Stats Tracker for WordPress lets you…

Login IP & Country Restriction Plugin

In the past few years, we have covered a bunch of plugins that let you limit logins only to whitelisted…

GeoIP Detection Plugin for WordPress

When you are just starting your website, you may not get a whole lot of international traffic. As your audience…

Limit Max IPs Per User WordPress Plugin

We all have users who log onto our website from different IPs. In certain cases, it makes sense to limit…

WP Cerber Limit Login Attempts Plugin for WordPress

Anyone who has managed a WordPress site for a little while understands the importance of limiting login attempts and securing…

Country IP Specific Redirections for WordPress

We all would love our site to get more traffic. But not all traffic is quality traffic. In fact, you…