All posts tagged "delete"
Wordpress Plugins
TP Restore Categories & Taxonomies for WordPress
November 24Have you ever accidentally deleted categories and taxonomies and wanted to quickly reverse that without doing...
Wordpress Plugins
TP Restore Categories & Taxonomies WordPress Plugin
December 18Here is a handy plugin that saves you time restoring your website after accidentally deleting categories...
Wordpress Plugins
Delete Me for WordPress: Allow Users to Delete Themselves
January 30WordPress already comes with everything you need to easily add and manage users. Have you ever...
Wordpress Plugins
4 Bulk Delete Plugins for WordPress
September 3WordPress is designed to make it easier for webmasters to manage their content. Adding new posts,...
Wordpress Plugins
How to Bulk Move / Delete Posts From Categories: 2 Plugins
July 14WordPress is quite a powerful content management system. You can use it to power small blogs...