
Cryptocurrency Mining Calculator Widgets for WordPress

There are many ways to make money from cryptoccurencies these days. You can always learn to trade or get serious…

15+ Must See Calculator Plugins for WordPress

All savvy webmasters understand the importance of adding the right features to their websites to better serve their visitors. If…

Build A Meal for WordPress: Nutrition Calculator Plugin

So you enjoy sharing dieting tips and fitness hacks with your audience? You can always provide more value to your…

Calorie Calculator for WordPress

There are plenty of fancy diets around these days. The best way to lose weight is to reduce your calorie…

Fertility and Ovulation Calculator for WordPress

There are plenty of useful sites and services available for pregnant women and moms. Adding useful tools to your website…

Cost Calculator for WordPress

WordPress has made it easy for many of us to build useful websites. There are also plenty of plugins that…

CalculatorPro Calculators: Add Calculators to WordPress

A website such as ours probably will never need an online calculator. But if you are in the real estate…