
Koran: Native Android WordPress App

In this day and age, most webmasters understand the importance of having a responsive design and user-friendly mobile presence for…

App Store Box: Fancy Review Box Plugin for iOS & Mac Apps

The app business has matured over the past few years. There are still many sites that cover the latest iOS,…

Make WooCommerce Mobile Friendly: 4 Plugins

WooCommerce is a simple, powerful plugin that turns your WordPress site into an online store in a flash. There are…

Login Alert Notification for WordPress

In the past few years, we have covered plenty of plugins and techniques that let you limit access to your…

7 Professional WordPress Themes for App Showcase Sites

The business of app development can be quite lucrative if you know coding and have a great idea. There are…

7 Decent Code Editors for Android, iPhone

There are many WordPress webmasters who don't get too excited when it comes to editing their code. The more you…

PluginBuddy Mobile: Build an iPhone Version of Your Site

Millions of people have iPhones these days. Every year that goes by, more folks get used to the idea of…