Start your Memoir Site with Memoir Theme

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So you want to create a personal blog covering the latest events and developments in your life? Personal blogs are a great way to keep track of the details of each day in your life and eventually create a complete auto-biography for yourself or your family memebers. Memoir Theme is a clean and simple theme that lets you get started with your own Memoir Site without having to go broke.

Memoir Theme is a not a complex theme at all. It is designed strategically for those who are into personal blogging. It has 4 color schemes to get you started. Your blog posts can be displayed in two modes (full or abbreviated). This theme is image friendly too. It automatically resizes your thumbnails, so you don’t have to.

Memoir comes with the legendary ePanel back-end. ePanel is the perfect back-end for those who do not want to touch their code to customize the look and feel of their website. From there, you can manage your site’s navigation, SEO options, ads, and layout. You can also choose how you want your content to be displayed.

Memoir Theme is optimized for localization. It does support short-codes, which makes customizing your content more straight forward. Want to add certain scripts to your site’s code? That can be arranged from the options page.

Memoir Theme is simple and does what it promises. It is designed for personal blogs and is fast. It won’t write your blog for you but manages your content like a champ.

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