A couple of months ago, we started looking for a new sleek theme that we could use for one of our gadget sites in our blog network. Gadget news sites are tricky to pull off. A nice, clean layout is a must for those sites that post more than a couple of stories each day. News Theme is an elegant theme that is more than capable of handling all your content. It keeps it all organized and provides a user friendly experience to your visitors.
News theme has a 3 column layouts and is ad friendly. The theme is quite organized, giving you the chance to promote your latest and featured stories on your website. It is image and video friendly. News theme is quite social media friendly. The news ticker feature is quite nice. It has a options page
Changing the layout and looks of News Theme is super easy. The theme is fully widgetized, making it easier to customize what you offer on your site. The home page has a magazine look and feel to it, which was perfect for our project (gadget blog). News Theme is fast and SEO friendy, which is what most webmasters look for in a premium theme.
News Theme is one of the better news blog themes we have tested so far. It is speedy and quite good looking. It can handle your content beautifully. A nice theme to pick up as a skeleton for your portal.