4 WordPress Plugins to Catch Spelling & Grammatical Errors

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No matter how hard you try, there is always a chance you leave a spelling or grammatical error in your posts by accident. The good news is there are plenty of tools you can rely on these days to catch and fix them early:

WebSpellChecker: allows you to catch spelling errors while you are typing. It uses cloud spell checking to get the job done.

Mistape: lets your readers notify you about spelling mistakes, making them a bigger part of your community.

Suggest Edits: allows users to suggests edits, helping you catch potential spelling, grammar, and other problems.

Webmaster Spelling Notifications: an open source plugin that allows your site visitors to send errors to webmasters. Visitors can select text with a mouse or key combination.

Have you found other plugins to catch misspellings and grammatical errors? Please share them here.

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