Wordpress Tips
Solution: WP Touch 3 Displaying Mobile Version To Desktop Users
If you have been following this blog for a while, you know we are a big fan of WP Touch. It is not perfect but has saved us a lot of time and money over the years. WP Touch Pro is quite powerful and has many useful features. You could end up breaking your site if you don’t know what you are doing though. We get this question a lot: “how can you make sure the mobile version of a site is not shown to desktop users?” For starters, you need to configure your caching plugins.
This is actually easy to do if you are using W3 Total Cache. Just go to Page Cache, Minify, and CDN pages and add your user agents to the “Rejected User Agents” box for each. Here is an example (complete list here):
Don’t forget to empty your cache when you are done. More advance WP Touch users have probably added custom user agents. In that case, those should also be included in your Rejected User Agents list. This has worked for us on all our websites with no exception.