Plenty of bloggers add social bookmarking buttons to their websites and hope for the rest to fall into place. As long as your content is decent, and you get a decent amount of traffic, you are going to get some action in social media with that approach. Socialize is a free plugin that takes this a step further. Instead of just hoping for your visitors to submit your content to Twitter or Facebook (or take any other action on your website), you can ask them to do so.
This plugin lets you add your call to action inside your content or in a box that stands out from your content. You can add the buttons you want to display from the selection that is available through this plugin. You may not be into begging your visitors to do you favors, but it never hurts to ask them or remind them to support you by tweeting your articles or adding them on Facebook. Thanks to this plugin, you get to choose on which pages (parts of your website) your buttons show up.
Socialize lets you add your Twitter username to get your Twitter account some exposure when people decide to tweet your articles. Socialize has 2 Facebook buttons for you to choose from, in addition to a bunch of other buttons that are available for you to choose from. Socialize does let you change the look and feel of your alert box, which is always helpful.
Socialize is a free plugin that lets you get the most out of your social media efforts. It can be used to encourage your visitors to give you some more love on Twitter and Facebook. What’s not to like?