Setup an E-commerce Site Using WordPress E-Commerce Training

đź“Ś MemberPress: advanced WordPress plugin for subscriptions & membership sites

I don’t know about you but for a long time I believe WordPress was only a blogging platform that could be used for blog sites only. It was in my dark hours with Blogger but still there is no excuse for that attitude. WordPress is one of the best content management systems ever made. I don’t care what the folks at Interwoven or Joomla say, but a well-done WordPress site trumps those “wanna be” solutions any day.

Membership sites are now becoming very popular these days. You basically identify a popular niche. You create a super duper resource site for that niche, and then you offer a membership plan to help fund your future research. It’s being done by all the top gurus in the Internet Marketing industry. And most of them use amember solution. There is no question in my mind that amember is a great script, but it’s not free, and you have to pay $100+ per each license. Why pay that kind of money when you can have thousands of membership sites made for free!

WordPress Ecommerce training not only has everything you need to create a membership site, but it also comes with 109 themes that are suitable for such sites. Running an e-commerce website with WordPress is like a breeze really. You need to figure out what form of payment you accept, and integrate that with WordPress. In addition, you need to know what you will be selling. Finally, you need to find a way to manage your customers.

An E-commerce website is not for everyone, and you shouldn’t get on the bandwagon unless you have specific plans to go about making money, but if you have decided on running an e-commerce shop, you are better off putting your trust in WordPress. It has never disappointed me, and regardless of how good other scripts are out there, they are still not WordPress.

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