Secure WordPress with Better WP Security

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Nothing is more frustrating that working so hard to build a great WordPress community only to find it’s been hacked and lost its rankings in the search engine results pages. You may not be able to stop all hackers but there are simple measures you can take to make your site harder to hack. Better WP Security is a handy WordPress plugin that shows you areas you need to be focusing on to make your site more secure.

Better WP Security is one of the better plugins in this category. It helps you find and address vulnerabilities in your WordPress install. For instance, if you have a weak password or your site is leaking too much information, Better WP Security will show you. You need to make sure you don’t use “Admin” as your main username. Protecting your .htaccess file is important too. This plugin reminds you to address those if you have not done so already.

Better WP Security not only scans your website for security issues but also hides sensitive information. It lets you ban troublesome user agents and bots. The script could also help you force SSL for your pages, catch invalid login attempts, and block attacks on your database. Best of all, it can help you recover from disasters.

We have already covered plenty of awesome security plugins and ways you can fix your hacked website. You may not be able to stop all hack attacks. At the same time, you should do your best to make hacking your site as difficult as possible. Better WP Security is one of the plugins you need to do just that.

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