Many WordPress bloggers do not allow user registrations on their websites. That is actually a very smart move if you don’t plan to offer premium or exclusive content on your website. If you do decide to enable that option on your website, you want to take enough precautions to keep your database safe from spam user registrations. In a perfect world, we wouldn’t have to deal with spammers. Unfortunately, that is not the case in the real world. As soon as you enable user registration feature, spammers will come to it to try and bring their garbage to your website. User Spam Remover is a powerful plugin that lets you handle spammers and delete their accounts fast.
User Spam Remover automatically removes old and unused accounts on your website. You get to choose how long your users have to become active before you remove their account. It also gives you the option to remove spam accounts on the fly. It works great in conjunction with plugins such as Akismet and reCAPTCHA. Those plugins remove spam comments and make life difficult for spammers. If they fail, you can rely on User Spam Remover to remove the rest of spam accounts on your site.
User Spam Remover does have a log feature that keeps track of activities on your website. It backs up all the accounts removed so you can restore them if you ever need to.
User Spam Remover is not meant to be a WordPress security plugin. It is just another tool that helps you combat spammers. If you allow registrations on your website, you should use reCAPTCHA and other similar plugins to keep web bots away. User Spam Remover can take care of spam accounts that fall through the cracks.