Wordpress Plugins
How to Add Read Later Links to WordPress โ 3 Plugins
No matter how great your content is, some people may not have the time to read it in one try. Giving them a way to save your articles to read a later time would make their life a whole lot easier. These 3 plugins allow you to do just that:
Instapaper Read Later Links: this plugin allows you to display Read Later links next to each post on your blog. Pretty useful for Instapaper users.
Readability Buttons: adds readability.com widget to your website. You have the option to show Read Now, Later, Print, E-mail, and Send to Kindle buttons on your website.
CleanSave: with this plugin installed on your website, you get to provide your visitors with the chance to save your articles to PDF, Dropbox, or Google Docs for future references (similar to what MSNBC and Fox Sports have done).
Not everyone of your visitors will have time to read your articles as soon as they see them. Thanks to the above scripts, they can save them to consume at a later time.