6 Quality MailChimp Plugins for WordPress

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MailChimp should not need any introduction to those of you who have been doing e-mail marketing for a while. It has everything you need to start building your e-mail lists, design your newsletters, and share your emails with the world. Integrating MailChimp into WordPress is not that hard. But these 6 plugins make your job easier:

AutoChimp: it keeps your website users and your lists in sync. It also lets you create campaigns from posts.

Posts to Newsletters: you can use this plugin to create newsletters from your posts and send them to MailChimp. It lets you customize your newsletters too.

MailChimp Comment Optin: it adds a checkbox at the end of your comment forms so your visitors can double opt-in for the lists they like.

Mail Shrimp: a decent plugin you can use to manage and send your MailChimp campaigns right from your blog.

Social Campaigns: this script allows you to run social campaigns on your website (e.g social offers and sweepstakes). Comes integrated with MailChimp.

BigMailChimp: want to add MailChimp forms to your website as a widget? This plugin can handle that.

There are plenty of other plugins and scripts you can use to integrate MailChimp with WordPress. It is a very decent newsletter service and could be a life saver for your business.

Do you have any plugin suggestions? Please add them below.

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