Wordpress Plugins
5 Quality Copyright Plugins for WordPress
Many web publishers have to deal with content thieves on a regular basis. It is always heartbreaking when someone takes credit for your hard work without even giving you a link back. You may not be able to stop content theft completely. But you can always add your copyright information to your posts and show the world you are serious about defending your rights. These 5 copyright plugins for WordPress help with that:
Copyrighted Post: adds a copyright notice to the end of each post on your blog. You can customize its settings from Reading Settings page.
Copyright Proof: this lets you digitally certify your content, proving your authorship in the process. This comes handy for fighting content thieves.
iCopyright Toolbar: adds article sharing, licensing, syndication, and tracking tools to your website. This helps you identify sites that re-use your articles without permission.
DMCA Protection Badge: this plugin adds a DMCA Protected badge to your site to deter content thieves. It won’t stop everyone but might make some folks think twice before stealing your work.
Easy CC License: adds a Creative Commons license image to your posts and pages. Just use the [ezcc] shortcode to get this done. It caches your license settings so it won’t slow down your site.
These copyright plugins do not always keep people from stealing your work. But every little step you take counts. At the very least, you can use this plugin to make some folks think twice before lifting your articles without proper attribution.