5 Push Notification Plugins for WordPress

Push notifications are nothing new. Anyone who has used a smartphone in the past few years is familiar with them. You can do neat things with them. For instance, it is possible to push blog updates to your visitors. You could also install a couple of plugins to get notified when you have a new comment to moderate. Here are 5 WordPress plugins you can use to handle push notifications easily:

Pushover Notifications for WordPress: allows your site to send push notifications to your iOS and Android device, so you can keep up with events on your site faster.

Push Notifications for Posts: sends push notifications to iOS and Android devices when you publish a new post. It is compatible with Kindle Fire devices as well.  It keeps track of your stats and can be localized.

Blimply: allows you to send push notifications to your mobile visitors using Urban Airship API. You can send push notifications for posts/pages/custom post types.

Mobiloud: this plugin lets you create real mobile apps for iPhone, iPad, and Android devices using your WordPress content. It supports mobile ad networks, push notifications, social commenting systems, and a whole lot more.

Jetpack: most WordPress users are familiar with this plugin. But did you know that you can use this plugin to get push notifications for new comments via WordPress mobile apps?

Have you found better notifications plugins for WordPress? Please suggest them here.

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