5 Quality Pull Quote Plugins for WordPress

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Have you seen sites that use pull quotes to bring attention to the most important parts of their content? Many top publishers are doing that. Here is how Wikipedia describes this practice:

A pull quote (also known as a lift-out quote) is a quotation or excerpt from an article that is typically placed in a larger or distinctive typeface on the same page, serving to entice readers into an article or to highlight a key topic. The term is principally used in journalism and publishing.

That sounds great but how would you do it without messing up your whole template in the process? You can always do so by doing some CSS styling. These 5 pull quote WordPress plugins can also get the job done:

Simple Pull Quote: provides you with a simple way to insert pull quotes into your posts and pages. You can just use the Pullquote button to get started.

Pro Quoter: a plugin you can use to create beautiful pull-quote images for your posts. These are great for Pinterest.

PushQuote: turns your pull-quotes into quotes your readers can share on Twitter and Facebook easily.

Graceful Pull-Quotes: allows you to create pull-quotes without duplicating content. It does not mess up your content when you turn it off.

Click To Tweet: adds Click to Tweet boxes anywhere in your blog posts. Makes creating tweetable content super easy. Works great for pullquotes and custom messages.

Have you found better pull-quote plugins for WordPress? Please share them here.

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