Politics: WordPress Theme for a Political Campaign

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The election season never seems to end in this country. As soon as one election cycle is over, we start hearing about new candidates and ideas for the next election. In fact, more people are now interested in getting involved in their local politics. If you want to be a viable political candidate, you are going to need a site to raise funds for your campaign and connect with your potential supporters. Politics happens to be a WordPress theme that gives your site a professional makeover.

The Politics theme is designed for political party sites, candidates, and fundraisers. It comes integrated with the Events Calendar plugin and lets you accept donations via PayPal. The theme is WooCommerce friendly too. It gives you multiple header options. You can use it to create one-page websites. With Layer Slider and Slider Revolution plugins, you are going to have an easier time showcasing your events and content.

Politics is responsive and ready for Retina displays. You can customize its colors, add animations, and translate the theme. There is also a drag & drop page editor to allow you to rearrange content on your pages. This is a commercial theme by an Elite Author.

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