Plugin Lists
Lock Theme, Plugin Updates: 3 Plugins
June 6Have you ever made changes to your theme or plugins and didn’t want to overwrite them...
Plugin Lists
Integrate GitHub with WordPress: 5 Plugins
June 5GitHub does not need any introduction. Many developers and hackers use it to share files and...
WP Stuff
WooZone WooCommerce Plugin for Amazon Affiliates
June 4Many webmasters rely on Amazon to earn money online. The Amazon Associates program may be popular,...
Magazine Themes
Techwise: Drag & Drop Theme for Tech Sites
June 3Plenty of folks are passionate about the latest gadgets and technologies. There are already many well-established...
Theme Lists
5 WordPress Themes for Flower Shops
June 2In case you haven’t noticed, it is possible to order flowers online these days. Even if...
Wordpress Plugins
Pushover: iOS/Android Notifications for WooCommerce
June 1WooCommerce happens to be one of the most useful WordPress plugins around. It turns your website...
WordPress Themes
Sport Store WooCommerce Theme for MMA Shops
May 31Those of you who have been following this site for a while know that we are...
WordPress Themes
5 WordPress Themes for Auction Sites
May 30Auction sites such as eBay have been around for quite some time. If you have unique...
Wordpress Plugins
Love Romance WordPress Theme for Dating Sites
May 29Online dating sites have been around for a while. They have become more sophisticated over the...
Wordpress Plugins
6 Cool WordPress Plugins for Food Sites
May 28Many of us love food sites, especially the ones with new awesome recipes all the time....
Premium Themes
4 Ways To Start an Article Directory using WordPress
March 3Those of you who have tried Internet marketing courses in the past are probably familiar with...
Premium Themes
10+ Best Job Board Themes for WordPress
April 26Want to create a job board with WordPress? It’s not as hard as it might sound....
Premium Themes
Start a Q&A WordPress site with Instant Q&A Theme
August 26Yahoo! Answers and LinkedIn Q&As are great places to find what people are asking about and...
Theme Lists
10 Corporate Resort WordPress Themes
October 3Hotels, inns, and resorts needs to have an online presence these days. We have already covered...
Wordpress Plugins
Adminimize: Hide WordPress Admin Options
June 13So you manage websites for your clients and wish to hide certain WordPress admin options to...
Hack Prevention
5 Ways To Limit Login Attempts in WordPress
June 10Let’s face it. If your admin account is somehow compromised, you are going to find yourself...
Wordpress Plugins
How to Add Jobs to WordPress: 5 Plugins & Tools
March 7WordPress is a great content management system to use to build a job site. We have...
Wordpress Plugins
5 Must See Spotify Plugins for WordPress
April 30Many music addicts are familiar with Spotify. This music streaming service has enough songs for you...
Plugin Lists
7 Image Hotspot Plugins for WordPress
September 26In the past few years, we have covered a whole host of plugins that let you...
Wordpress Plugins
How to: Stop WordPress Trackback Spam
March 20Those of you who run popular websites have had to deal with comment and trackback spam....
Plugin Lists
4 Real Estate Calculator Plugins for WordPress
July 12In the past few years, we have covered a whole host of themes and plugins for...