Wordpress News
Open Source Movement Gains Momentum Among WordPress Designers
WordPress is the undisputed king of content management systems out there and more than 70% of blogs use WordPress as their underlying platform. WordPress is easy to use, convenient, and easy to enhance. In fact, many programmers have put their time and effort to produce plugins for free for everyone to use. However, int the theme market it’s a different story. While many WordPress designers have put their time to design simple and easy to use themes, the premium market is always the place people look for for the best WordPress designs. The premium WordPress themes are in general come with single and unlimited licenses and cost from $20 to $500, depending on the quality of the theme.
But it seems now a few top designers are planning to offer their themes for free to public to show their dedication to the open source movement. I always thought that giving themes away for free in return for a text link is generally well worth it, but opening up the source for everyone to make changes can only make the WordPress community better. I don’t know how successful this effort will be, but it is something worth watching out for.