I have talked about in the past about the importance of using the right keywords on your WordPress blog to make sure you get ranked high on Google and don’t have to burn money on PPC. Using a good keyword tool not only allows you to find the keywords that will drive traffic to your blog, but also find new ideas for your future blog posts.
I have talked about my love for WordTracker in the past. It’s a great keyword research tool that allows you to find thousands of cool keyword phrases for your blog posts. But the truth is WordTracker can be expensive for many folks. After all, paying $330 a year or $59+ monthly for keyword research service may not be for everyone. That’s why I recommend using tools such as Keyword Elite.
Keyword Elite only requires a one time fee, but provides you with awesome features that you can use to dig up valuable keywords. Here are the features you can expect to get with KE Elite:
The first option is very powerful. All you have to do is enter a keyword or domain (recommended), and it shows you the phrases that you can go for.
I usually use Ask and Yahoo!, but for the purpose of demonstration, I have only used Ask! here. Once you click OK, you are going to get a bunch of phrases that you can rank for. I recommend you enter your main competitor’s domain in the box to see what keywords they are ranking for that you should as well.
I entered the term making money online with blogging, and as you can see I have got some long-tail keywords that I can use in my blog posts. But more than that, you can use these money making ideas and blog about them.
The other features that KE Elite has to offer are useful as well. You can do the same process for pay per click listings, and also spy on pay per click ads. Watching out for your keyword competition allows you to go for keywords that are less competitive or “rankable.”
The reason I like KE-Elite is due to the fact that you only make one payment, and you are set for updates for the life of the product. With WordTracker, you will have to spend $60 a month or pay up $330 right up front, and let’s not forget WordTracker does not cover PPC listings and the whole spying features like KE Elite does. There are of course other tools out there, but I have not seen one that provides as much blogging value as KE Elite.
Your take: feel free to share your experience with KE Elite or other software packages here.