Music WordPress Theme for Bands and Musicians

Every business needs to have an online presence these days. People expect to be able to find credible businesses on the Internet. That applies to bands, musicians, and artists too. These folks may not be technical enough to design a website. But they could always rely on premium themes to get started faster. The Music Theme is an elegant solution just for musicians. Whether you want to sell your music or other goodies, this theme has you covered.

The Music theme has a responsive design. That means it will look just fine on mobile devices and smaller screens. On top of that, it is highly customizable. You can change its colors, textures, and images. Several page templates are included too. The Music theme is based on the all powerful Options framework. It has an HTML5 audio player for your music. The Tour Dates and Discography page templates are very handy too.

The Music theme supports custom header, background, and menu management. It is WooCommerce friendly, which is a big plus. You can showcase your videos, photos, and audio files on your site easily. We found the theme to be pretty fast too.

Overall, this is a pretty decent looking theme for music sites. It has a ton of useful features to promote your band or art with.

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