3 Meme Generators for WordPress

Memes are everywhere on the Internet these days. You don’t need to master Photoshop and other comparable software solutions to create your own memes. These 3 meme generating plugins for WordPress let you do that faster:

Premium Meme Generator: a simple tool that lets you make custom memes on your site. You can change fonts, colors, and other settings before generating memes.

ViralPress: a viral content sharing plugin for WordPress that lets you add lists, quizzes, polls, and memes to your site. ViralPress supports BuddyPress & myCRED and has a meme generator.

Meme Generator: a free plugin for adding simple memes to your website. Lets you make font, color, and other basic changes before going live.

Have you found better meme making plugins? Please share them here.

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