Login Alert Notification for WordPress

Currently trending WordPress plugins

In the past few years, we have covered plenty of plugins and techniques that let you limit access to your login page. It’s not always wise to block access to your login page by IP, especially if your community has many registered members. The good news is there are still many plugins that let you monitor your login page on the go. Login Alert Notification is an interesting plugin that notifies you of successful or failed login attempts on your smartphone or tablet:

The plugin lets you redirect visitors to your homepage automatically after a failed login attempt. It can also send the blog admin a notification. More importantly, webmasters get a notification on their iOS or Android device as long as they have the appropriate services enabled in the backend (e.g. Prowl, im.kayac, or Pushover).

The Login Alert Notification plugin simply keep you informed of login attempts on your mobile device. This is a free script.

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