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Linkshare WordPress Plugin For Affiliates


There was a time where affiliates were ignoring the WordPress platform, sticking to simple HTML sites to earn money online. But in the past couple of years they have caught the drift that WordPress can be used for money making sites. While affiliates starting making the jump to WordPress in the past few months, affiliate networks such as LinkShare did not capitalize on that move, until now. LinkShare has just released a plugin for affiliate marketers that makes it easy to deep link or search for products right from your WordPress blog.

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The plug-in is still in beta, but LinkShare has done a great job taking action to try to capitalize on affiliates’ move to WordPress platform. LinkShare WordPress plug-in can save you time putting affiliate links on your site, but I’d like to see more advertisers allow deep-linking on that platform.

Here is where you can download the Linkshare plug-in.

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