Korina: WordPress Theme for Bars & Cafes

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Every business needs to have a magnetic online presence these days. That is especially the case for bars, restaurants, and cafes. Korina is an attractive theme for food places. It has a responsive design and multiple header variations for you to choose from. It comes with everything you need to create menus and set the proper colors for every element.

Korina lets you choose images, sliders, and videos for your headers. It has a sophisticated menu management system, so you can create categories for your main dishes, specials, and everything in between with images and prices. Korina comes with 20 hooks for global sections, so you can design and reuse layouts easily.

This theme builder works with Elementor, Beaver builder, and Divi. It allows customization per post or page. This is a paid theme by CSSIgniter.

[where to get it]

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