WordPress has made developing websites and putting them live online a whole lot easier than before. There are plenty of premium themes available on the market that allow you to go live with your website fast. In most cases, you will have to make some modifications to the underlying code of your theme to customize its look and feel. iThemes Builder Theme aims to change all that. It’s an innovative theme that lets you change the layout and look and feel of your blog fast and create a killer portal for your niche (with many options to choose from).
Here is what’s intriguing about Builder Theme. It’s an all in one solution that would allow you to develop all kinds of websites using your theme. It’s very flexible and makes changing things without writing code easy. Here is a video by the folks at iThemes that explains its functionality:
For those of you interested, iThemes has a long e-seminar on this theme that shows you how you can take advantage of this theme. The theme is obviously not for everyone but if you are looking for a flexible theme for your not-so-certain projects, Builder Theme could come in handy.