5 Internal Link Building Plugins for WordPress

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When it comes search engine optimization, most of know us the know the importance of getting high quality external links from authority sites in our niche market. Internal link building should also be on your agenda. Here are 5 plugins that helps you build internal links more effectively:

Automatic Content Linker: this plugin links keywords in your posts automatically. You can disable it for posts, pages, and feeds. You can also limit the number of links and enable case sensitive matching for keywords.

Internal Link Juicer: an auto SEO linker for WordPress. Lets you customize link output and behavior. Link counts per page and target per URL can be configured.

Interlinks Manager: an internal link manager for WordPress that helps you optimize your link structure. It calculates the link juice for each URL and also suggests linking opportunities.

Keyword Linking: another plugin that lets you turn words to internal links on your site. You can change linking frequency, target, link URL, and other settings.

Link Whisper: an AI powered plugin that suggests relevant internal links as you put your articles together. It lets you choose which post types to create links for. You can also select which words to ignore.

Stay tuned as we will cover more SEO plugins here in the future.

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