Inline ads are becoming more popular these days. What if you are not interested in only displaying ads? These 5 plugins let you display tweets, comments, and other content within your posts:
Inline Related Posts: this plugin lets you display related content inside your posts to reduce bounce rate. You get over 20 style combinations to choose from.
Inline Tweet Sharer: this plugin allows you to turn sentences within your posts into tweetable links.
Tooltipy: a dynamic tooltip generator for WordPress that lets you add responsive tooltip boxes for individual keywords. It comes with various effects and lets you use your own CSS.
Inline Comments: adds your comment system to the side of paragraphs in your posts. The comment area is displayed when someone clicks on the comment count bubbles.
Inline Ads Plugins: plenty of webmasters are experimenting with inline and contextual ads now that more people are using adblockers. These plugins let you insert native ads into your posts.
Have you found better inline ads and tweet plugins? Please share them here.