Free Plug-ins
Improve Your Plugin Performance with Plugin Output Cache
A while ago, I wrote a post about plugins that you can use on your blog to promote all your posts more effectively. Plugins such as Similar Posts, Popular Posts, and other similar plugins allow you to promote your other posts to your readers and help them discover other top posts on your blog. But they can put load on your server if you have too many plugins on your blog or if your resources are limited. That’s where Plugin Output Cache comes in. It’s a cache plugin for your plugins that improves the performance of your website and speeds it up in the process.
Here is how this plugin works. If you are running one of the above mentioned plugins, this cache script will cache a portion of their outputs to bring the load down on your server and improve your plugins performance. So you no longer have to wait a few seconds for your top or similar posts to show up on your sidebar.
Now you want to make sure you don’t use Plugin Output Cache in conjunction with some other cache plugins available for WordPress. You don’t want to have too many cache plugins installed anyway. But if you are running too many of those popular/similar type plugins on your blog, you want to give this Plugin Output Cache software a try.