How to Order WordPress Posts by # of Facebook Likes

Facebook is one of the most popular social networking sites around. It can drive a ton of traffic to your website if you play your cards right. You should not only develop great content for your Facebook visitors but also monitor which one of your posts get the most number of Likes. These 4 plugins enable you to display your posts with the most number of likes:

top social statstop social stats

Top Social Share Posts: tracks and updates your posts counts from Facebook, Twitter, Google +1, and other social networking sites. It lists your top posts by share count.

wp facebook likewp facebook like

WP Facebook Like Posts Order: we tested this plugin a while ago, and it worked very well. It has not been updated for a while but you could learn a lot from studying it.

top poststop posts

Ultimate Facebook Stats: scans your blog and collects likes, shares, and comments data to find and display your very top posts.

facebook postsfacebook posts

Facebook Popular Posts: finds the number of Likes for each posts and lets you share your top posts using its widget.

You could always write your own script to handle this job. The above plugins can save you time when you need to find or display your top posts based on the number of Facebook Likes.

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