How to Improve the Insert/Edit Dialog: 4 WordPress Plugins for Faster Internal/External Linking

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We all use the Insert/Edit Link Dialog box in WordPress to add internal and external links to our sites. WordPress already makes the process of linking to your own and other people’s works easy. These 4 plugins can add new features to the Insert/Edit dialog so you can add links to your website more conveniently:

Enhanced Linking: enhances the Insert/Edit Link dialog and lets you find additional content to link to from your site, making you more productive in the process.

Better Internal Link Search: improves the default internal link search and helps you find posts and pages to link to faster. It covers scheduled posts. Custom shortcuts are supported too.

Ultimate Nofollow: adds a checkbox in the Insert/edit link popup box, so you can add the nofollow attribute to your links fast.

Internal Linking For Scheduled Posts: a simple plugin that lets you link to scheduled posts from the Insert/Edit link dialog. It is perfect for people who publish posts to future dates all the time.

These plugins enhance the Insert/Edit link popup box and save you time when you are adding internal and external links to your posts.

Your turn: Have you found better solutions? Please share.

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