How to Allow Your Visitors To Download Posts [Plugin]

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It is true that most of your visitors will probably not want to print or download all your posts. But if your site has a lot of long, evergreen posts, you may want to make it easier for your visitors to save your content to their computer. Universal Post Manager is a handy plugin that makes it happen. It allows your visitors to download your content as PDF, Doc, TXT, and in other file formats.

The plugin lets your visitors save your posts as a PDF/XML/Text/HTML/Word document. You can customize how the plugin behaves on your site. For instance, you can turn off saving in file formats that you don’t want. You can also change the appearance of the buttons from the back. In fact, you can change each individual button’s icon and save options very easily.

Universal Post Manager simply makes it easier for your visitors to download your posts to their computer. It might not work well for every site, but the idea is worth testing.

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