How to Add Warnings to WordPress

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Have you ever wanted to give your visitors an advanced notice on the type of content you have on your site? Maybe you live in Europe and need to comply with the cookie laws for that region. Whatever the case may be, Cookie Warning for WordPress can help you out. It is a simple plugin that lets you add a warning to your pages, letting visitors know about cookies and other issues they need to know about.

The plugin is very simple to use. Just add your message and where you want your visitors who will reject your warning to be redirected to. The approval button and rejection link text can be customized. As the name suggests, the plugin is written for sites that want to comply with the EU cookie laws but could be easily used for any other purpose (including adult sites).

We would love for the developers to add more features to the plugin. As it stands, Cookie Warning adds a simple warning to all your pages. This is a free plugin.

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